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Organ Sheet Music

Compositions by Alex S. Cooper

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Biography of Alex S. Cooper

Cooper, Alexander Samuel. F.R.C.O. Pupil of Dr E. J. Hopkins and Sir Charles Hallé. Organist of St. Columba’s College, Rathfarnham, Ireland, 1857-59; St. John’s, Putney, London, England, 1859-66; St. Paul’s, Covent Garden, London, 1866-. Composed church music, part-songs, songs, &c. b. London, England, Apr. 30th, 1835; d. there, May 19th, 1900.

Biographical information courtesy of © 2024

Short Pieces
Short Pieces Volume 3 (1. H. A. Jeboult - Postlude Impromptu; 2. W. C. Filby - Calm in Sorrow; 3. Hamilton Clarke - Introductory voluntary; 4. Kate Boundy - Even Song; 5. T. M. Mudie - Larghetto; 6. Allex S Cooper - Prelude in E minor; 7. William Spark - Prelude; 8. Myles B. Foster - O Salutaris Hostia)
Title: Short Pieces Volume 3
Price: £12.49
Availability: In Stock
Pages: 20
Format: Portrait - 9” x 12” paper-back
EAN/ISMN: 979-0-2067-0176-4
Published: 11-Aug-2002Add to basket
BE00176 £12.49 add

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